Monday, March 7, 2011

Mar 5 Sat Found out why they are Girl Guides in Canada & Girl Scouts in USA

Mar 5 Sat Day 47 sunny & warm—High was about 72 F

After the usual start of W.VB I had lunch at the cabana listening to Angela singing. Sheila swam lengths & joined me near the end around 1:45. Back at the RV, I had a light lunch & then out in the car to do errands. First stop was El Pollo Loco which had fish tacos on sale that Sheila wanted to try as she hadn’t eaten yet, I am not impressed with their fish tacos, but their flame grilled chicken is really good, though. Then we went to the mall to find me a new swim suit as the 2 old ones I had started to disintegrate, both at the same time. Got one at the Goodwill Industries store for $4.04 which looks new & unused. Outside the store was a stand selling Girl Scout cookies. I stopped & asked what’s the difference between Girl Guides & Girl scouts? A gentleman at the table told us that after Lord Baden Powell started the Boy Scouts, Lady Baden Powell wanted to include girls in the scouting movement so she started the Girl Guides. The Girl Guides movement than migrated over to Canada where it remains today. However, in the USA, it was a separate unit and started as Girl Scouts. We bought some caramel coconut chocolate cookies & they are good. Next was a trip to Big 5 Sporting goods for a pair of new shoes on sale at 19.99 reg 49.99 that are just like the Velcro shoes I wear regularly. Finally to the bank for more cash. The bank charges a $3.00 service fee, I took out $500.00 and with exchange figured in, $503.00 US cost me $502.80 CDN. Then as we were driving home I saw on the other side of the road a Dairy Queen with a sign, “milkshakes 99 cents”, I got turned around and we went in for one--strawberry, it was delicious! Finally to home stopping by Larry & Judy’s to set up a bridge game for after supper. We played 5 hands, added up the score for each then switched partners so everyone played with everyone. Judy made up a really neat dessert that consisted of cool whip, vanilla pudding, a bit of milk, cut up "Snickers" bars and apples. Simple & marvellous, Sheila copied out the recipe for quantities. After bridge they showed us a card game called “no peeky” which is simple & fun. It’s a bit like a card game called “Golf,” except that instead of getting 9 cards to put face down on the table, you get 6. It was almost 11 by the time we got back, so I went to bed almost right away.

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