Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Mar 8 Tues - Shopping for a GPS

Mar. 8 Tues. Blue skies, sunny, forecast high 65, no wind at all

After W.VB I had lunch at the cabana & listened to music while sitting in the nice warm sun. Maybe it’s the low humidity & dry air here, but sitting out in the forecast 65 degree temp felt more like it does at well over 70 at home. I skipped the line dance lessons as I find I can’t seem to keep the sequences in my mind. Sheila went shopping & I did assorted jobs around the RV and started to look up info we need for when we leave here a week Friday. So far the GPS I think we want is priced the lowest at “Best Buy”, according to their internet listings. It is a Garmin model 1450 LMT and costs, (rounded off), $240.00 at “Target” & $206.00 at “Best Buy”, Wal-Mart doesn’t carry that model, the nearest they have is the 1450 T at $200.00. The “LMT” stands for lifetime maps & traffic updates included, so an extra $20 to $30 to get that seems good as it costs a lot to buy updates. The “T” stands for traffic updates which I don’t need. Sheila arrived home from shopping around 5:30 so we cooked supper, Fried Tilapia & veggies, m-m-good and settled in for an evening at home. One of the things Sheila brought home today was a cardboard box full of bags of “Flat Pretzels”. She discovered them at the 99 cent store across the street & just loves them. They’re crispy, tasty, low fat, & not as nearly as salty as the usual snack foods. She basically bought out the store, about a dozen all told. She said there was one left on the shelf when she left

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