Friday, March 18, 2011

Mar 17 Thurs, our final day at GVP

Mar 17 Thurs Day 59 slightly cooler early AM, slight cloud, warming

Sure & Begorra, it’s St. Patrick’s Day & our last full day at GVP. We start off with a trip to the Hemet Diner for the breakfast club breakfast. Then back to GVP and it’s off the W.VB. Back to the RV for a very light lunch and to start packing up. I got the awning down, wheel covers off & put away & some chairs plus the BBQ stowed. Then it is time to head off with Larry & Judy to see “The Adjustment Bureau”. Sheila didn’t go & after some work in the RV, went shopping & got herself a nice swimsuit & some other stuff. She then met us at the Sizzler for supper. Back at GVP I put a cpl more things away then off to play Mexican Trains at 7. After putting in our 50 cents I took home $1.00 & Sheila had won 60 cents so a net gain. We finished about 8:45 so came home to watch “Bones” on TV and tried to catch up on computer & journal stuff.

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