Friday, February 3, 2012

Day 20 Wed Feb 1 At Mission Bat RV Park San Diego

sunny & warm, slight wind, slight cloud 67 F

Today we head to Pacific Beach Crystal Pier area for Sheila to try surfing with a boogie board. Yvonne came too since we had 2 boards. Paul decided to ride his bike over to the surfing area. Sheila rented a wet suit, (Yvonne had her own), got into it and they both went into the 57/58 F, (14 C) degree water. She got a few good rides and had fun. She came out periodically to warm up a bit and rest. She said that she wasn’t getting really long rides so she was tiring out getting up & fighting her way back out. Also, there were depressions in the bottom from the waves & currents that you would step into & go down a foot or two, often just as the perfect wave was coming! We were at the beach for a good 2 ½ hours. Yvonne had to quit earlier than Sheila because her hip was aching from climbing out of the “holes”. Sheila changed, we went for a Starbucks after-surfing drink so the girls could warm up. Sheila had chai tea latte which, though it was not as spicy as the Canadian version, she said she enjoyed more than any she’s ever had. Then she returned the wet suit and we headed home. We were invited to Paul & Yvonne’s rig for a nice supper, Sheila provided a cabbage side dish and some dessert pudding cups & cookies. After supper we played bridge for a while. Sheila & Paul won. After that, we all went for a walk along the bay, & around the RV Park perimeter. Back at our RV we watched a show we recorded earlier and did the journal/expenses thing. Sheila always seems to have never ending bits & pieces to do late at night but tonight she actually was in bed before me!

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