Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Day 33 Tues Feb 14 Valentines Day started with slight cloud & lots of sun, reasonably warm, (low 60’s probably), and nice all day – At GVP

After the water volleyball game I came back to the RV for lunch to discover 3 large cardboard boxes by the door – Ken’s card & gaming stuff order had arrived. I will split it up & store it under our bed. It only filled 2 feet at the head across the width of the under bed storage. Sheila has been out all day getting a perm & shopping. We are off to the Elks tonight to check out their Tuesday $6.00 Buffet. It was quite good—grilled chicken, beef stroganoff, penne, fresh, steamed vegetables, and salad. Dessert was large pieces of ginger cake with a strawberry, jelly icing. They also have Karaoke so we will see how long I last there. Actually it wasn’t all that bad and some of the singers were very good, especially a man who sang “Unchained Melody”. We stayed till the end of the Karaoke and then came home to watch our Tues. TV shows. It is certainly nice getting CBS on digital, the picture appears to be as clear as on Michaels Hi-Def TV.

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