Monday, February 6, 2012

Day 23 Sat Feb 4 sunny & warm – 70 F – At GVP

We got up early and were out of the RV by 9AM to go to the bake sale put on as a fund raiser by the Ladies Golf group. We got a lemon pie and some other goodies. It was held in conjunction with the craft show, at which Sheila found a light decoration she liked. It was a wine bottle, green glass, with mini lights inside and at the top a bunch of grapes made of glass. It was quite nice and only $20. Also today there was a Classic Car show on the main road in the park. There were some really nice cars & trucks. I saw a 1957 Corvette and a 1957 Chevy Impala which was original everything—paint, engine, chrome, upholstery etc. and in mint condition—imagine! On route to the volley ball pool I weighed myself on GVP’s fitness room scale, in my dry bathing suit, 222 lbs, (100 kg), I think I will go with kg’s from now on, I don’t have to lose much to be in only double digit weight! After a great 2 hours of water volley ball, we came back to the RV for lunch. I set up our BBQ for the group supper, and then Sheila & I went shopping at Winco. Back at the RV Larry had brought his BBQ over to have enough space to BBQ all the steaks for 9 of us, (Larry/Judy, Paul/Yvonne, Endre/Joan, Bren/Sheila, & Genevieve—(Yvonne’s friend who was visiting from LA). Sheila started on the salad & I organized some of the other stuff. We took chairs & our folding table over to Larry’s site. At about 5 PM Larry, & I BBQ’ed the steaks and we all had a great dinner with everyone contributing a dish, Endre baked a lemon pie that was marvellous, Joan said he is a good cook & he is. It was a great dinner, but boy does it cool down once the sun goes down @ 4:30! Most everyone with the exception of myself was bundled up in long slacks and warm jackets. Around about 7:15 PM or so we broke up so that Sheila & I and Endre & Joan could make the dance tonight. The dance, (Rockin’ Rhonda & her group playing,) started at 7 but it was 8:20 before we got there & by then they had stopped charging admission so we just walked in, found Endre & Joan and stayed till the end at 10 PM. We did a lot of dances; Sheila also did a couple line dances. Back to the RV to do up supper dishes etc.

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