Monday, February 27, 2012

Day 40 Tues Feb 21 mostly blue sky, forecast is for 68 F (20C) –At GVP

Great weather is back, sunny & hot, it must be well into the 70’s by noon. After our volleyball game we sat in the hot tub spa and were talking to Paul, (husband of Diane who plays with us in the pool), and it turns out he went to Lord Byng but was about 5 years ahead of us, he was also in Dance Club at UBC and knew people Sheila knew from the club. We came back to the RV for lunch, general puttering around & relaxing prior to the evening activities. Judy dropped over with her fresh salsa to try, it is good--we will get the recipe. Off to the Elks for Buffet & Karaoke night starting at 5 PM, the buffet was a taco bowl that you filled with a ground beef mix, plus there was a chicken dish, refried beans, rice, sour cream & toppings with the salad & a chocolate mousse for dessert. Not as many good singers as last time. But for $6 each for the buffet & $3.25 for a glass of wine that Sheila liked it’s a good deal. We headed home around 7:30, stopping for gas & some groceries. Gas is going up fast; it is $3.99 a USG at Arco & $4.05 elsewhere.

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