Monday, February 20, 2012

Day 38 Sun Feb 19 – cloud but sun peeking through, cooler, - in low 60’s

Out to the pool where Judy, her daughter Connie, son-in-law Matt plus granddaughters Sierra, 16 & Mikayla, 14 were at the volleyball pool. Sigi also had two daughters visiting & they were in the pool too. It was a fun game. Sierra is really good. After hot tubbing we came back to the RV for lunch and are heading to the pool for around 1:30 for another game with all of Larry & Judy’s family. All 4 grandkids joined in, Autumn, 12 & Logan, 9, plus, we invited a Mexican couple who were practising in the other pool. We played till after 3 then hot tubbed for a bit before heading home for supper. We decided to try that Chinese take out that we found last year that was really good and inexpensive. I got one order of orange chicken, beef & broccoli, shanghai noodles & a side of steamed rice. We almost had leftovers but I finished it up. The total cost was $8.60! After supper we went to an advertised Gospel sing that Sheila wanted to hear. She thought it would be the southern type of gospel music & there’d be lots of sing-along but it wasn’t. It was a woman, Janet, from Nfld & her husband, a Californian. She sang some very nice songs popularized by people like Bette Midler, Dusty Springfield & Whitney Houston, but they weren’t what we were expecting & we only had three opportunities to sing along and they were semi religious songs Bren had never even heard of. Back at the RV for the evening, we watched a show on the Costa Concordia, an Italian cruise ship that hit a rock, and ended up on its side in shallowish water near an island off the coast of Italy on the first night out before they had done any lifeboat drill. The ship was bigger than the Titanic and had over 4,000 passengers. There was a small loss of life but they didn’t have final figures, (less than 20 I think). It was fortunate that prevailing winds blew it towards shore into shallow water & not out to sea. The water temp was around 59 F, (15C), so hypothermia would have killed a lot if it had gone down in deep water. They couldn’t even launch all the lifeboats because the ship rolled on its side. This all happened on Jan 13, the day we left, & we don’t remember hearing anything about it.

1 comment:

  1. Sheila wrote at least the second half of this blog entry, didn't she? =P
