Monday, February 20, 2012

Day 37 Sat Feb 18 – sun & blue sky, nice & warm, (64 F) – At GVP

After the morning volleyball session we had lunch at the cabana in the sun. This week’s restaurant is a pizza place, for $5 you get a nice slice of pizza, a salad, a pop, & a piece of fruit! We listened to the music, then we went back to the RV for, hopefully, a Skype session with Adeline, Mikaela, & Erica if it works. It took some doing but we made connection and had a good visit for 45 min. We puttered around in the afternoon, had supper and Judy phoned to see if we wanted to play bridge in the eve. They were expecting their daughter & son-in-law & 4 grandkids to visit over the long weekend, (Presidents Day), but they wouldn’t arrive till 10 PM or so and were staying at the Super 8 Motel just outside the entrance. So we played bridge for 2 to 3 hours, this round I was the winner & Sheila came second.

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