Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Day 29 Fri Feb 10 – sunny, highs to 77 F, 25 C – At GVP

We got up early enough to go up for the Friday breakfast at Palms Café, (from the kitchen in the ballroom). It was French toast day, a Sheila favourite. Then over to the pool for our usual Water Volley Ball game. The daily live music started up as usual at 11:00 and sounded familiar and sure enough it was our favourite performer, Larry Stevens. He also plays at dances at the Elks so we will be going there too when he plays there. We had lunch at the Palms Cabana listening to him till 2 PM. Then I ran some errands in the car and back for supper in the RV before heading over to the Shuffleboard building for the Friday night game. The team I was on, (4 people to a team), got such a low score we got the booby prize & each got our $1.00 entry fee back.

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