Thursday, February 9, 2012

Day 26 Tues Feb 7 – overcast, no wind, cooler, showers forecast – At GVP

It is a bit cooler with the overcast but probably still warm enough to play in the pool. Yep, 24 showed up, we split into 2 pools & had a great game with 6 a side so everyone got lots of action. There was a spotting of rain for about a half hour while we played but it was so light you only knew it was raining by the rain hitting the water. Then we sat in the hot tub for ½ hour & home for lunch. A bit of a wind came up, (forecast was for 10-12 mph), and so I hooked the tie downs to the awning. The wind dropped completely after an hour or so. We went out for some grocery items then back home. Tonight it is Happy Hour at Paul/Yvonne’s RV then off to J&M restaurant for supper for all 6 of us. After a great meal we drove back to GVP and we all played a game of Jokers & Pegs in an available room in the clubhouse, the girls vs the boys – girls won. Then Paul & Yvonne went back to get ready to leave tomorrow while Larry, Judy, & us went to their rig for a game of bridge, team Sheila/Judy won.

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