Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Day 30 Sat Feb 11 - heavy overcast in the early morning, clearing & sunny by mid morning then heavy cloud in the mid afternoon, cooler – At GVP

Despite cooler & cloudy weather there were still 2 pools of Water Volley ball playing. The water is nice & warm & the sun did poke through a lot so it was OK. Sat in hot tub then at the cabana listening to the music – today it was Tom & Carol Racob who Sheila liked almost as much as Larry Stevens. We split a chicken wings order. Back to the RV for lunch & a lazy afternoon, ran a cpl errands, weather still cloudy. Tonight is GVP Valentine’s Dance so we will head over after supper. We got there late, (after 8 PM), and they had stopped taking admissions so we didn’t have to pay, (all of $6 each so not a big deal). However, I’m glad as we only stayed about an hour & left. We were not impressed with their performance. They would play a tune I know & like and it was half way through before I recognized it. They did Mustang Sally & until they actually did the line “ride Sally ride” I didn’t know what they were playing. Then they did some fancy instrumental number that no one danced to. They were certainly excellent musicians but not a good dance band; they were billed as Tony McKashin.

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