Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Day 32 Mon Feb 13 – Worst weather so far, dark clouds & a slight wind to cool things off more, highs forecast only around 60 F, 16 C. At GVP

I went down to the pool at 10 & sure enough there were about 8 people in the water so in I went. At pool level you are sheltered from the wind by surrounding buildings and in the nice warm water, (around 84 F, 29 C), it was fine. We ended up with enough to split into 2 pools with 5 or 6 a side in each pool. After the hot tub the sun came out & it was nice enough to sit in the sun on a lounge chair by the pool. Sheila had gone out to see about a perm at the Beauty School but they didn’t do perms today, so she went to the Sally Ann to look for red & white items for Wednesdays Canada Mixer event. Such a extravagant woman, she bought 4 items, tops & Capri pants, and spent $8.00. After lunch we went out to Hemet Trailer to see about replacing our sink with a new SS one but they had nothing that would fit the existing cut out in the counter top, they suggested another place so another day I will go there. Then to the Sally Ann for me to try on some red shirts Sheila had put aside. Some more shopping got a whole, 2 lb, (1 kg), BBQ chicken at Vons, (Safeway), for $3.00 for supper. After supper it’s over to the ballroom for the Eagles tribute concert at 7 PM. They put on a great show, non stop for 1¾ hours. I overheard some one say that they had seen the Eagles twice & this group was as just like the real thing. During the show they called out any ??? fans here, (I missed the name), and a few cheers went up, then, “any Winnipeg Jets fans” – a few more cheers, then, “any Vancouver Canucks fans” and just about the whole room exploded. When they introduced the 6 band members one was from Winnipeg, he got the loudest cheer. After the show we came back to the RV just after nine to watch our Mon night TV shows.

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