Monday, February 27, 2012

Day 42 Thurs Feb 23 sunny, clear, 50F@ 8:00, 70F @ 10:00, 80F @ 1:00

We were up & out early today for the weekly breakfast club event at 7 Hills Golf course. Sheila got to retell her joke to the group, about 16, some of whom hadn’t been at last nights Fun Club to hear it. Larry & Judy drove to get us there by 8:30, then back to GVP for water volleyball till noon. After a hot tub & deck chair in the sun it’s back home for a small bite to eat prior to going to the movie, (it’s seniors Day on Thurs, - $5.00), to see “The Vow”. After the movie we went to Emilio’s Mexican Restaurant & Cantina Happy Hour for appies & $2:50 Margaritas, a group from GVP go there every Thurs, usually from about 3 to 5., usually a lot of the Volleyball players. On route home Larry dropped me & Judy off for Mexican trains night. I broke even again & won my quarter back. Back to the RV about 8:45 for the evenings TV.

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