Monday, February 6, 2012

Day 24 Sun Feb 5 - sunny & warm – 69 F - At GVP

I have started having a breakfast other than coffee so I have the energy to play over 2 hours of water volley ball & then sit in a hot tub for ½ hour before getting lunch. Sent Adeline an e-mail wishing her Happy Birthday. Today is super bowl Sunday so we went over to the ballroom where they had a large screen TV set up. They were also selling cheese nachos for $2 & chilli dogs for $2.50 with shredded cheese & onions to add. It was a close game so it was fun to watch. The New York Giants scored their 3rd touchdown 87 sec. before the end of the game, beating the New England Patriots 21-17. We were able to sit much closer to the TV than last year so we could hear much better. After the game I came back to the RV & Sheila went over to Paul & Yvonne’s RV to meet with Judy for their prearranged Bridge game. None of our group had signed up for the regular Sunday night Swiss Pairs Bridge session due to the game running past starting time for bridge. After doing some journal entries etc on the computer I went over to visit with Larry until Sheila had finished their game & came looking for me. It is very convenient that our 3 RVs are within about 4 site spaces of each other, we are in 535, Paul is in 537 & Larry is across the road and 2 spaces down from them in 480.

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