Sunday, February 5, 2012

Day 21 Thurs Feb 2 Mission Bay RV Park to Golden Village Palms RV Park

sunny & warm at Mission Bay and at GVP

We packed up, unhooked, and are ready to go. Left Mission Bay RV Park @ 10:10 @ 149395 km. Arrived GVP @ 12:05 @ 149521. We checked in. I went out to get propane, 2.75 USG, while Sheila checked out the pool area entertainment and visited with Larry & Judy who are about 4 sites down the road from us. I returned, went to our site--#535 on Gingko, backed in & was all hooked up, before Sheila returned. GVP have changed their WiFi supplier so I’m hoping this one works a lot better. We then went over to the pool cabana where they had a lunch plate of pulled pork, beef rib & pork rib with cold slaw for $7.00 and there was entertainment, a singer, Tom Racobs. He was good so we had a very pleasant lunch break. Then I drove Sheila over to the nail place to get a pedicure while I went back to set up our awning and start on the journal. After supper it was Mexican Train night so we went over to the clubhouse. I won my quarter back but Sheila lost hers. We play 3 games at each table & the 2 winners, i.e. two lowest scores, at each table get a quarter & rotate to the next table. We play 3 sets altogether, 9 games in all, with 6 to a table and a quarter entry fee. Back at the RV we watch a little TV & turned in.

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