Monday, February 20, 2012

Day 35 Thurs Feb 16 – sun & blue sky, no wind – At GVP

We both went to Volleyball this morning, (first time in 3 days for Sheila). Then the park had a “health fair” going on with reps from assorted retirement, health insurance, health care, body maintenance etc places set up in the ballroom running from 11:00 to 1:00. They also had a free lunch – pasta salad, hot dogs, small pkts potato chips & bottled water. So after 3 hot dogs & nacho pkts I, ran out of time to do any of the blood pressure checks, blood sugar checks etc. Oh well I had a “healthy” lunch at least. Spent a few minutes sitting in the sun at the cabana, it was nice & hot. Then it was off to see “Red Tails” at 1:55, based on actual events, of an all Negro airforce squadron during WWI. It was an excellent movie--even Sheila liked it. Then back home where Sheila made me a soft taco supper before I left for the Mexican Trains games in the evening. Sheila stayed home to do assorted stuff around the RV & get started on the hamburger soup we’re making. I won my quarter back on one of our 3 rounds, (a round is 3 games which are totalled to find the round winner), so, it was a free evening. Back home we got the soup made & then watched some of our recorded TV shows before bed.

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