Monday, February 27, 2012

Day 45 Sun Feb 26 Blue sky & sun 60 F @ 10:00, 70F @ 1:00, 66F @ 4:00

This morning at breakfast we discovered one of our cost cutting plots doesn’t work. Milk by the gallon, (just under 4 litres), is $2.24 at Winco, the ½ gallon is $1.50. So we got the idea of buying a gallon jug, splitting it into two half gallon plastic bottles that we had saved & washed out because the gallon jug takes up too much space in the fridge. It worked for a couple weeks but then at the start of one of the second ½ gallon jugs the milk started to taste just a bit off. So we had to throw out about ¾ of the second ½ gallon. So now we will have go to the expense of paying $3.00 for a gallon instead of $2.24. Anyway, off we went to the water volleyball game. After we came back we got ready for lunch with Larry & Judy at our RV. We had the second Tortilla Pie Sheila had made from Judy Krar’s recipe. Then, after a leisurely lunch we cleared up & got ready to go to Endre & Joan’s RV to watch the Oscars starting about 4:00. It was fun watching them with another couple to chat & snack with, (they served tortilla chips with two dips, yummy breaded shrimp, & cake). The only perplexing thing I found was that the black & white, silent movie “The Artist” took so many Oscars. No colour, no sound, how can that possibly win over the other nine movies that were nominated—ridiculous!
Sheila’s comment: “Bren, don’t judge until you’ve seen the movie. You may have to eat humble pie”
Bren’s comment – I just read above, I am tempted to delete but as Sheila hasn’t seen the movie either I want it as evidence for when she agrees with me!
We were glad to see that Meryl Streep won for her Margaret Thatcher role.

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