Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Day 28 Thurs Feb 9 - sunny, clear, no wind, 78 F, 26 C – At GVP

Sheila went out early to do laundry & watch some of the Sand Volleyball tournament GVP was having with Indio, (which RV Park I don’t know). I found out later that GVP won the tournament. I headed over to the pool and was in & playing by about 10 AM. Sheila arrived about 11, (after she’d finished the laundry.) After the game we headed out to get tickets for “Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close” at the Hemet Theatre. As the movie started at 1:30 we had a quick lunch out at an “In & Out Burger” place. Ken highly recommended them & they are good. After the movie, which Sheila really liked, (she said the boy actor did a brilliant job of playing a boy with Auerspergers Syndrome), we immediately headed over to “Emilio’s”, the Mexican Restaurant & Cantina where a bunch of GVP people go for Happy Hour every Thursday from 3:30 or so, to 6:.00. Margaritas are only $2.50 & you get chips, salsa & a nice individual appetizer plate, (free), plus they have a Mariachi band that comes to play around the tables. It’s quite the deal! The appetizer plate was quite filling—tortilla chips covered with shredded pork, melted cheese, tomatos, with sour cream on the side. Enough for a light dinner. Then we drove back to GVP for the readers theatre play, “The Princess & the P”, an adult play that was absolutely hilarious. The story was the old Princess & the Pea except this was the adult version so the “P” that was magically appearing in her bed was a certain part, (a larger than usual part), of a nobleman under a witches curse from long ago. Part of the hilarity was that her father the King had been completely sheltering her from the world to keep her pure & unknowing. So when she is describing the “thing” that keeps poking at her she has no idea what the shape is. The whole audience was howling with laughter, it was so well done. They also provided wine & cheese with your admission. Finally back to the RV to relax with some TV.

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