Friday, February 17, 2012

Day 34 Wed Feb 15- still cool to almost cold, rain in PM – At GVP

There definitely has to be something to the “dry” cold as opposed to “damp” cold. We have had temps in the low 60’s, (16+ C) in the mornings and it is still not uncomfortable to be out in shorts & short sleeve shirt and be in the pool, (which is heated to the mid 80’s, = 29-30 C, or more). However, today when I went out side there was a cool breeze and I could feel a light mist so I turned around & went back in, first day in 2 weeks I didn’t play water volleyball. We actually got a few minutes of light rain, just enough to wet the ground. This afternoon it is prep time for the Canada Mixer event at 4 PM. It started raining in earnest around 1 PM and kept going all afternoon. At the Canada Day mixer there was a big crowd. They opened the movable walls and expanded from the ballroom across the hall into the banquet room. They called out the provinces to see how many from each were there. There was no representative from the Maritime Provinces but some one from all the rest, (2 from Quebec & 1 from the Yukon), BC of course was the vast majority of the crowd. One of the people at our table was asked why I wasn’t in the pool for Volleyball that morning; they had about 11 people out. After the event we went over to Larry & Judy’s RV to play bridge. We played the 6 hands & changed partners and Sheila was the big winner with Judy only a 100 points behind her, Larry next & I was last.

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