Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Day 27 Wed Feb 8 – the sun is back, clear sky, 72 F, 22 C – At GVP

Sheila went off to her 8 AM Zumba class this morning. Paul & Yvonne leave today to head home via several stops, they hope to arrive home around end Feb or so. Sheila got back at 9 AM in time to have breakfast before we headed out for Water Volley Ball around 10 AM. After the game we had lunch at the cabana by the pool, this week’s featured restaurant has a hot wings & slammers menu. We listened to the music & ate till 2 PM, then went back to the RV to prepare for Spud Night tonight. It costs $2 with GVP providing the potatoes, butter & sour cream. Everyone brings a topping appetizer or side dish to share with the table. We had a delicious cheese dip, spicy Buffalo wings, shredded cheese, raw vegetables, & key lime pie at our tasble. The tables seat 8, we had: us, Larry & Judy, Fred & Sally, Joan & Endre. Unfortunately, Endre was quite late arriving as the Time Warner Cable Guy was late getting to his rig and Endre had to stay to help him. Happy Hour was 4:30, potatoes at 5. After everyone finished devouring all the food, Sheila & I went with Larry & Judy to their RV to play Bridge for the evening. We played 18 hands of bridge, switching partners, we’d play 6 hands then change so that we all played with everyone. Larry was high scorer and Sheila came second.

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