Friday, March 4, 2011

Mar 2 Wed - Pickle Ball demo clinic & Spud Night

Mar 2 Wed Day 44 sunny, some cloud but calm & warm

We got going for the 9 am Pickle Ball clinic. They had someone to explain the game, and show us the different types & weights of paddles available. They also had hand out sheets on rules and advice for playing the game. They had a temporary court set up and, after a short demo, we got to try the game for a few minutes. It looks promising to follow up on when we return home. The rules are quite complicated, but we’d probably just rally for exercise anyway. The rackets aren’t cheap; they run $45 & up down here. After that we got over to W.VB followed by lunch at the Cabana listening to Larry Stevens. I put the awning back up that I had to take down to drive out for propane. We went out for Sheila’s haircut & to get gas for the Focus. Tonight is Spud Night starting at 4:30 for Happy Hour then potatoes at 5:00. The cost is $2.00 each, the RV Park provides potatoes, butter, sour cream & coffee. We had a table of 9. Everyone brought something to share, either a side dish &/or a potato topping. Sheila chose the latter, taking canned chilli & shredded cheese. That went till after 6:00, then Sheila & Judy went to play Bunco. It’s a game with dice that involves no skill or strategy, just luck, but she says it’s fun trying to roll certain numbers in order to win cash prizes at the end of the evening. I came back to the RV to do journal, expenses, download pictures & watch TV.

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