Monday, February 19, 2018

Sunday 18 February Day 31

The weather forecast for Mon to Thurs is not good, a lot cooler is predicted and some wind, enough that I will pull in the awning tonight.  Today however it started out at 60 F at 09:30 and was 70 F by 12:30 with a clear sky & sunny with a small breeze.  We both went up for WVB, a hot tub session then lunch & relaxing before Bridge tonight at 6 PM.  Had a bite to eat then off to Bridge for 6 PM.  We had 5 tables playing, it was a good session. We didn’t win anything but did OK.  We phoned Mikaela to wish her a happy birthday and had a nice conversation with her. I put the phone on speaker so we could both hear her.  We told her we’d see her in a cpl of weeks when we get home. Back at the RV we are watching some Olympics coverage. We have both noticed that we seem to need a nap or lie down in the afternoon quite often.  We are quite active here of course but I don’t remember needing an afternoon nap in past years.  I went to bed around midnight but Sheila wanted to watch something coming on later in ice dancing.

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