Sunday, February 11, 2018

Friday 9 February Day 22

The day starts as usual, approaching 70 F by 9:30 and off to WVB. We got up to 12 a side for a while, (that’s 48 players), but haven’t gone over 12 a side yet.  If we do we will sit out our server after they finish until the next server finishes, then they will rotate back in.
Why the preceding is in bold I have no idea and I can't seem to change it. Sheila stayed to get our Canada Day Tickets for next Monday.  She got tickets and after lunch I sat outside to read more of Yvonne’s book.  About mid afternoon I felt tired so I lay down, don’t know if I actually napped.  I got up around 5 to get ready to go up for the Mocktails event this evening.  Larry is going up with us and we will try to get there early enough to get a table instead of using our deck chairs, they are comfortable enough but Sheila likes to have a table put stuff on. Got a table with 2 extra chairs & invited another couple to join us when they asked.  We had a pleasant evening of conversation & music. Before the musician started Sheila went up and asked what kind of music he played and she said great when he said 50’s to70’s.  Then on his first number he played “Margaretville” and at the parts where the song has a line about whose fault it is he put in Sheila’s name. We were up dancing so she heard it.  Then back home to watch a “Bull” episode and watched the CBS news to get weather. They had a bit about Trudeau’s LA motorcade escort police motor bikes being in a small crash with a car with minor injuries to one of the police bikers.  It had recently happened so there was no explanation as to why – pure accident or some malicious attempt at something

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