Saturday, February 3, 2018

Wednesday 31 January Day 13

We’re up for WVB this morning, another nice sunny clear day.  We both went out to do some shopping.  Sheila wanted some things at the 99 cent store so I dropped her there, then went to Winco got my stuff, came back and waited for her to finish.  I’ve decided that shopping together for several items in a food or general merchandise store doesn’t work very well, I go in get my stuff & leave, Sheila shops around reads labels, looks & compares and takes much longer, I think it’s a male/female thing.  We relaxed in the afternoon and then went up at the door-opening time, (6:30 pm) for tonight’s show at 7 PM. We got a table up front where we could see the guys playing the piano’s.  It was “The Killer Dueling Pianos” and it was fabulous! Two guys on their pianos had everyone singing & dancing and getting involved with the music for close to 2 hours straight--no breaks.  One of the guys, Steve Hoss had a fantastic voice and terrific styling.  For instance when he sang “Desparado” or “Piano Man” it really sounded like the Eagles or Billy Joel.  It cost all of $5.00 and was worth 3 times that at least.  Back to the RV for some TV & then to bed.   We are both tired, there’s so much activity here and the nice hot weather works to make you relax & nap.  

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