Thursday, February 15, 2018

Tuesday 13 February Day 26

Cold last night.  At 8 AM it was 50 F, at 10 AM 58 F however by noon it was 70 F.  We went out to the Tuesday breakfast club and we had about a dozen GVPers there.  After we returned home we went up for WVB. We had a good crowd, enough to split into 2 pools, and we had a good game.  Sheila especially, as she got lots of hits and did really well. She left the game early to change as we had to go to the beginner Bridge lessons class to help by 1 PM.  I stayed to noon, did a shortish hot tub, showered & returned home, changed and headed up to the lessons area.  We ended up with 4 full tables with us playing so we were needed.  After the game we came back home and then off to the Elks for “Taco Tuesdays” for lunch/supper.  We stayed till almost 6 pm as they had some of the good regulars singing. Then back home again & out to Winco shopping, home about 7:30 or so to relax by the TV.  I looked up the Olympic medals count on the internet & we are doing quite well. At the time we had more medals overall than the USA, but were lower ranked because they list countries in order of the gold medals won, we had 2 gold & the USA had 3.  We watched some Olympics coverage & an episode of “Bull”, it was a repeat but a good one from quite a while ago and we had forgotten a lot of it.  Sometimes it’s good to be old with a wonky memory.  At other times it doesn’t work out well like when I forget to get Sheila a Valentines Day card, oops.  Later we were “channel surfing” and stumbled on the movie “Pretty Woman” with Richard Greer and Julia Roberts.  It had started a while ago but Sheila wanted to watch it so I went off to bed after watching a bit as it was almost midnight by now.  I should mention that “channel surfing” is not something we do but lack of a program guide channel or printed version the only way to look up what’s on TV is on the net which is of course tedious and then we don’t get all the channels listed on the net.  Our cable in the park has 50 channels, some are in Spanish, and the internet listing for Hemet has over 100 channels plus we don’t get all of the first 50, our top channel is 72 so there are a lot we don’t get.  However we don’t have a lot of time to watch TV anyway.  Yes, It’s a rough life we lead in our RV hooked up to 30 amp power, pressure city water, the RV Park sewer lines, cablevision and internet included in our camping fee. We even have weekly garbage pick up; just put a bag out front on your rig and the park collects it. 


  1. Sounds like a wonderfully relaxing time!
    If it helps you feel better, Michael and I don’t really celebrate Valentine’s Day either - we feel there’s so much emphasis to spend money as a token of your love, restaurants are always crowded, etc. We’d rather do thoughtful things to show our love to each other and the kids (any time, not just one specific day), and if we go out for a meal together we can just as well do it on a different day. 😊

    1. Yes, that's being smart about it. Celebrate when you can relax and really enjoy being together
