Friday, February 9, 2018

Wednesday 7 Feb Day 20

Our morning temps were 60 F at 9 AM & 68 F at 10 AM.  No wind, nice & clear & sunny.  After our WVB game back at the RV for a small lunch because today is spud night.  For $2.00 GVP provides baked potatoes, butter, sour cream and they are big potatoes, I usually only can manage one with all the trimmings.  Everyone brings a share plate of something to go with the potato like chilli, meatballs or salad or dessert, or whatever. 
I have been keeping an eye on tank levels and everything is steady so it looks like all is well, no leaks anywhere.

We arrived at the ballroom for spud night along with 391 other people, (that’s the number that signed up to attend), at the 4:30 door opening.  We found a table with empty seats and settled in.  It was a group spread over two tables i.e. more than 8 people together but less than 16, so seats available. And, we had double the amount of food available including 2 desserts. We had a good time and after supper around 6:30ish they started the Karaoke.  Given that GVP has over 1000 sites--that translates to lots of people and a lot of good singers.  Some we remembered from previous years.  We finally left about 7:45 and came back to the RV to relax, catch up on our journal etc. I was tired by 10:30, too much good fun, exercise, fresh air & sun.   Speaking of which, normally in February we have one or two rainy days, a cpl cooler days & some cloudy days.  So far it has been sunny & hot with never a cloud in sight, definitely unusual for February here. We couldn’t be happier because we have to leave at the end of February.  Just hope our good luck holds.

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