Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Monday 12 February Day 25

Still cool this morning, by 10:00 it was still sitting just on 60 F with a light gusty wind.  It was alternating between sun & cloud. I decided not to go to WVB but Sheila did go up for her usual abbreviated game, (she usually gets there somewhere between 10:30 & 11:00). She said they just had one pool and it wasn’t too bad for temperature & wind, the warm pool water helped.  I finished Yvonne’s book.  Towards the end I didn’t want to put it down.  Redemption really is a great book; you get involved with the fate of the characters and you want to keep reading to see what happens.

We had lunch of leftover Winco chicken and are getting ready to go to the Canada Day event.  We went for the 4:00 door opening, got in about 4:20 to our numbered table & seats; we could have just waited till everyone was in then just walked in.  It went to about 6 PM.  It’s always so pretty—almost everyone is dressed in red and white, there’s red & white balloons, Canada flag centrepieces etc. Tracie was master of ceremonies and she called out all the provinces and people from there stood up.  Alberta had a reasonable amount but when she called out BC I think well over half the ballroom stood up.  Debbie Tovey provided the entertainment.  She lead us in singing Canadian songs like Four Strong Winds, This Land Is Your Land, & Nova Scotia Farewell.  Everyone was very enthusiastic.  We also had various people come to the front to tell a joke and earn themselves a bag of Cheesies.  We didn’t win any of the 50/25/25, (about $200 each),  or other prize draws, (big prize was a one month stay, that’s worth just about $800 USD) but  we still really enjoyed ourselves. We came back to the RV in time for me to get to the 7:00 PM crib games. They play 5 games in groups of 4, (partners). Back at the RV I posted a Blog and then we went to watch TV.  About 10:30 there was a lot of noise on the roof – rain.  It was heavy for about 15 minutes then stopped.  We had folded up all our chairs outside & had them under the slid outs because the wind gusts were tipping them over. 

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