Thursday, February 1, 2018

Tuesday 30 January Day 12

We got up early, (for us), to make it to the breakfast club, at Seven Hills golf course this week.  Back to the RV and Sheila went up for WVB but I need to stay in contact with my phone for the repair person to call.  If I don’t get a call today I will phone & leave a message that I am in WVB from 9:45 to 12:30 so phone outside those hours.  I should have thought to say that when I was talking to him yesterday but forgot.  Anyway, had a good breakfast at Seven Hills and came back to RV for me to wait for a call, read, tidy and do computer chores, blog etc.  Sheila came back, we had lunch and went up to the banquet hall room where Judy had her bridge class going. (I took my phone so I could get a call if any came in) We said we would sit in and help as required.  About 2 PM I got a call from the EMT RV so we set a meet around 3:30 to 4:00.  I arrived back at the RV and he arrived about 15 minutes later.  He tightened up the gas joint that was leaking quite quickly. He said it looked like water was dripping down as well.  One of my storage compartments was quite wet so I unloaded it but couldn’t really see where the water was coming from, it’s possible some of my tank level lights are malfunctioning and the tank is overflowing while the lights show only ½ full.  He suggested turning off the RV park water, use up the fresh water tank and then turn the pressure water on again & see if there is a leak into the fresh water tank from the pressure system and that fresh water tank is spilling over somewhere.  So that is in progress now.  We had supper & settled for an evening of relaxing with a book & the TV.  I am reading Yvonne’s book and find it hard to put down.  When I finish Sheila gets to read it, (actually she is free to start it at any time).    

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