Monday, February 26, 2018

Sunday 25 February Day 38

We got up to clear skies & sun.   It was 50 F at 08:45, 58 F at 10:00, and 70 F at 1 PM when we got back to the RV from WVB.  It was a good day for the last game; I got some good shots.  When we got up to 12 each side in one pool we split into 2 pools and I announced that Sheila & I were leaving tomorrow.  Lots of people came around to wish us well; shake hands with lots of “see you next year”.  They are a good bunch of friendly people here.  Back at the RV I did some prep stuff for moving tomorrow and had lunch then went over to Larry & Judy’s for a few hands of Bridge.  We are going up to the Sunday evening Bridge game in case they are short & need extra bodies.  We have lots of time for moving preparation so can afford to play, check out is noon I think.. We were needed at Bridge and came in second out of 6 couples and won $4.00.  After Bridge we went over to Winco for some last minute supplies & stuff Sheila wants to bring home.  Our plan for tomorrow is to get to the big Pilot Gas Station & truck stop at the junction of hwy’s 395 & 215.  It’s about an hour & a half away and we plan to see if we can stay there overnight. So with a short first day we don’t need to rush leaving GVP.  After I checked the weather forecast and it will be close to freezing at night in the gas stop area we will probably go to an RV park ½ hour up the road that has full service and pull-through’s.  It’s not a real problem unhooking the car just a nuisance when we aren’t using the car.    Our second night is hopefully the Modesto ELKS which has Wi-Fi.

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