Monday, February 5, 2018

Friday 2 February Day 15

Up for our normal day, 70 F at 10:00 AM, back for lunch after WVB.  We actually turned on A/C’s today after lunch so Sheila could have a lie down, (without A/C’s it gets close to 90 F inside, even with windows open).  There is little to no wind. I sat outside reading more of Yvonne’s book, it is really intriguing. We went up to the Mocktails event on the patio for 6:00. The band was “One Too Many” that I really liked but Sheila didn’t, (Too much whiney guitar), she said.  We ate lots of the nachos & toppings. They really are good.  We had a spot in front right beside a propane fireplace & a heat lamp so nice & warm when it cooled down in the evening, (I’m usually just wearing shorts & a short sleeve shirt).  Even though it get hot in the daytime & warms up quickly in the mornings we are still technically in a desert environment so it does cool down in the evening.  Fortunately that is a good thing as it makes it cool for sleeping, you just take a jacket or sweater for the evening.  Then we came back home to relax & watch some TV. 

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