Sunday, February 25, 2018

Thursday 22 February Day 35

Up to cold again, 50F @ 9 AM and only 55 F by 10 AM. There was supposed to be a big Charity WVB game for the Police Dog charity starting at 9 AM with a burger bash after on the patio from 11 to 1 PM.  Because of the cold weather the game got moved to 10 AM, ran to 12 noon and then we had our $10.00 burgers which were served in the ballroom as it was quite cool on the patio, specially after having been in the pool.  I went up to try & video Sheila, on her I Phone and may or may not have gotten any.  I had trouble getting the phone to take video, I pushed on the video button but it did not seem to work.  Also yesterday when I had downloaded video I had taken of the game to see how it worked.  I actually managed to figure out how to download from Sheila’s phone and then I found out that unless you hold the phone only one way the videos come out upside down and when you are holding the phone taking the shot there is nothing on the phone to indicate it is upside down.  I was not meant to operate in the modern generation; can I go back to dial phones and video camera’s?  I should revert to being a troglodyte. 
Back to today.  After the Burger lunch we looked at the movies on today & decided on “The Shape of Water”.  I really had no idea what it was about and was pleasantly surprised.  It was set in the cold war era and involved a creature that was found in South America and lived in water. He was humanoid a bit and he was held in a secret government research facility after being captured and brought back by a government agent.  The lead actress, (Sally Hawkins), and main character was a mute girl. She had hearing but couldn’t speak.  She sympathized & connected with the water creature.  There was some violence, Russian spies, and attempts to exploit the creature.  In the end the bad guys got zapped & the good guys survived--I enjoyed it.  Sheila, not as much.  After the movie, we went to Angie’s Diner for supper, then back to GVP for the Mexican Train games night.  We play a total of 10 games, (2 sets of 3 & one set of 4 games), after each set; the 2 people with the 2 lowest scores take a quarter & change tables. So if you win a quarter back once in 3 sets you break even.  Sheila won her quarter back but I lost mine.  We returned to the RV to watch some Olympics before bed. 

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