Sunday, February 18, 2018

Thursday 15 February Day 28

Up for coffee & breakfast, (instant oatmeal with craisins & raisins), then off to WVB.  The weather is warming up more each day and it is nice, clear & sunny now.  This afternoon I am going to search out anything we might have to donate to the GVP White Elephant sale for next week.  Of course this event involves everyone bringing a plate of food to share.  The GVP World revolves around food.  This evening we are going to Larry & Judy’s for a BBQ using his BBQ and we are taking burger patties, buns, marinated veggies & some fruit salad.  Sheila made an afternoon run to Winco for the burger buns etc. & I need more raisins & craisins for my morning oat meal; I use the individual flavoured packets, make it with hot water & add milk sometimes.  After the BBQ we played some Bridge. We played 6 hands then changed partners then 4 hands with each partner.  I kept score and at the end Larry was top, Judy next then Sheila & of course me at the end.  I just don’t seem to get decent hands that I can bid or reply to my partner with, except for one hand playing with Sheila where I ended up bidding 6 Hearts & I made it.   I heard that the first Canada/USA Hockey game was played last night & Canada won.  It is in the preliminary stage right now & we have to beat several teams to get to the finals but that was a good start.  We couldn’t see it as it is on a channel we don’t get, an NBC specialty channel that you probably pay extra to get and is not on the GVP cable-vision feed. 

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