Sunday, February 18, 2018

Friday 16 February Day 29

Cool this morning 54 F at 09:00, 60 F at 10:00 but when we returned to the RV from our WVB it was 70 F by 1PM.  It is sunny, no wind, and very little sporadic cloud cover.  We had lunch, then Sheila went out shopping after a short lie down & I had a rest too. Tonight is the Mocktails event so we will be down there about 5:40 or so to get a table.  No tables left by 5:40, so we set up with our chairs by a propane fireplace & one of the tall propane heaters. It was near the front so great for listening to the music and getting goodies.  As it can get quite cool in  the evening I had worn a knit cardigan but I didn’t need it close to the propane heaters.  They had a large crowd and Bob & Jim & J R who were volunteering to help run it said it was the biggest crowd ever, they had to refill the goodies after ½ an hour, but they never ran out.  Everything is free--all the nachos & toppings, and the various mixers--you just supply your own alcohol.  They had a good singer who performed from 6 to 8 non stop.  Lots of people were up dancing.  Afterwards, we came back to the RV for Sheila to watch figure skating before bed. 

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