Thursday, February 8, 2018

Monday 5 February Day 18

The good weather continues with another clear sunny day and no wind temp 70 F at 10:00.  After WVB & the hot tub I came back for lunch, Sheila got home about 45 minutes later. I headed out on some errands while Sheila got her lunch and started the A/C.  I’m back from errands & Ken will be happy to know I got 2 cases of Cactus Cooler at Winco for $3.33 each. We had an earlyish supper as we have the “horse races” to go to tonight.  They have films of real horse races and the names have been changed & there is a real race type commentary.  You get a bunch of money to start with and you bet on the races.  There are 8 races and prizes for the highest 3 winners out of everyone attending.  You start with $130,000.00 dollars.  It’s a fun evening.  It was held in the ballroom and it was full with tables of 8.  The 3 big winners of the evening were all over 40 million in winnings, top was just under 50 million, and a lot of people won over 1 million.  You turn the money in at the end so you bet big, (like all), on the last race.  I had $225,000.00 at the end but lost it all on the last race; Sheila had an even 1 million after she won on the last race.  You could also “buy” a horse. They auctioned them off.  Each horse had a name of one of the horses in the race. If your horse won a race you got $10,000.00 added to anything you had bet on any house in the race.  It was a lot of fun, then back to the RV after to watch some TV. We missed some shows on route down and with all the evening activities that either I or both of us go to, we often don’t get back till close or even after 10 PM.  So we miss more.  The ones without too much of a continuing story plot line are best and I have noticed that some shows start with a few minutes of “previously on, (show name)” which does fill in some blanks.  We have them all on the PVR at home so on rainy March & April days we can easily catch up. 

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