Thursday, February 22, 2018

Tuesday 20 February Day 33

According to the LA CBS news last night we are in for a real cold spell for a few days.  Actual freezing temps in outlying area and at altitude.  The Hemet area was supposed to have gotten very close to freezing temps last night and for the next 2 nights.  What with all the cold evenings and staying up to watch Olympics etc we have been running the propane furnace a lot.  I had booked a refill truck for today and last night the propane tank ran dry sometime.  So no WVB until the propane truck has been & gone.   We had our little electric heater going from about 8:30 AM on so we can get a reasonable temp in the RV up front where the heater is plugged in.  At 8:45 this morning on our outside thermometer it was 40 F and at 9:15 it got up to 45 F and made 50F by 10:15.  Fortunately there is no cloud so the sun is warming things and I’ve got all the curtains pulled to get the full sun on windows.  We face the rising sun so the big front windows get the full sun so it is up to 70 F inside by about 9:00 or so.  Sheila went up to WVB while I waited for the propane truck.  Sheila came back from WVB and said they had 2 pools going with 36 people playing in 2 pools.  She said it wasn’t too bad and if you got cold you just ducked down into the warm pool.  She arrived back at the RV and prepared to go up to help Judy with the beginners Bridge group.  The propane truck arrived just as she left so I got the tank filled and then went up myself. We played till about 3:30 then back to the RV until Larry, Judy & we head out to the Steer & Stein for dinner.  I can still manage the 16 oz cut although I do cut a small piece off for Sheila, (she orders the zucchini side dish which is huge and I get some). I ordered the steak “smothered in mushrooms” for an extra $1.99 this time. It now costs $18.79 with 2 sides but it is still a deal.  I even had room for the dessert of blackberry cobbler with ice cream.   After supper we came back to the RV for some Olympics stuff. 

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