Sunday, February 25, 2018

Friday 23 February Day 36

Still cold but sunny with some cloud and a very light breeze. At 9 AM it was 49 F, then at 10 AM it got to 54 F and when we came back from WVB it was 60 F at 12:45.  Standing in the sun it is very nice & warm in shorts & SS shirt so with the low humidity it is very nice here whereas at the same temp back home I would be cold due to the dampness, (and lack of bright sun). I suddenly realized that with our early departure and driving north we are going to maybe run into cold or freezing weather.  I checked the weather for a few cities that we go through in Oregon & Washington and the overnight lows next week are either just above freezing or only a degree or 2 below freezing.  We will try to find electrical hook-ups for the overnight stops if possible; however, a lot of RV parks close for the winter season! I got my bill for electricity for the month, - $51.00.  It’s a bit higher than previous years but considering the rate goes up each year & this year we used a lot more power running the electric heater, that’s not too bad.  Sheila wanted to go to the Hong Kong Restaurant across the road for lunch and then had supplies she wanted in the 99 Cent store in the same mall.  Lunch at the Hong Kong is quite a good deal.  A large plate of chicken & broccoli is only $7.95 and it comes with soup, an egg roll, and fried or steamed rice.  The Egg Flower soup was delicious!  Sheila brought about 1/3 of her Orange Peel chicken home.  She dropped me at the RV as she wanted to look at a specialty orthotics store in Hemet that is quite close to GVP.  I will work on tire inflation checks.  Got all 6 tires topped up but it is a major rigmarole due to my pump probably wearing out so I have to stop to let it cool down, very time consuming.  Tonight is Mocktails night and it gets a bit cold so we may not last to the end, (it runs 6 to 8 pm).    We got a spot right under one of the tall heaters and were toasty.  It ran out of gas about 7:30 and we did have shopping to do at Winco so we left. At Winco, I got another 2 doz. Cactus Coolers and found Propel, a bottled drink I had found one year that I really liked & then the store that carried it didn’t anymore.  Winco also carried the Martinelli sparkling apple cider for well under $2.00 a btl., I didn’t get any though.  We have got stuff we are bringing home so now the problem is where we keep it that’s out of the way; the car trunk is getting full.  Back home to watch the Olympics.  Canada is currently in third place by gold medal count but is second place by total of all our medals.   

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