Saturday, February 17, 2018

Wednesday 14 February Day 27

Valentines Day

Slowly getting back to hot weather, this morning it’s 57 F @ 9:00, 64 F @ 10:00 & 70 F @ noon with a slight sporadic breeze.  After reading our Valentines notes to each other, (she forgot a card too), we had a good WVB game, and Sheila seems to be getting better & better.  We don’t always end up in the same pool but when we do I’m impressed by her game.  After Hot Tub & shower, back to RV for a small lunch then they are supposed to be playing this afternoon so Sheila is going up to play and I will try to video some of it.  They didn’t have many show up, only 3 to a side, so Sheila got lots of practice and I took some videos of her.  When Sheila gets back to the RV we will go out to lunch or early supper depending on the time.  They have steak & lobster at the local Sizzler so we are going there.  We finally got to Sizzler about 4, there was a small line up but only a cpl minutes delay.  Sheila had the Steak & Lobster, ($24.00 and for $2.00 more they upgraded the steak by 2 ounces from 8 to 10 oz.  I looked at the salad bar & went with that, they had a huge array of salads & toppings plus fried chicken, spaghetti & meatballs, chili con carne & 4 soups plus desserts of bread pudding and peach cobbler, with strawberry topping and whipped cream.  I managed one salad bar run, (very full heaped plate), a clam chowder, several chicken pieces, and a little spaghetti & meatballs plus bread pudding & toppings for dessert.  I was full with just one go round.  After supper we came back to the RV for the eve, Sheila to watch Olympic skating and me to work on the blog & emails etc.  

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