Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Sunday 11 February Day 24

It was 56 F at 9:30 AM but at least it was sunny.  I went up for WVB as did Sheila and with the warm water and no wind it was all fine. Back at the RV by 12:30 it was 75 F. A bit of wind but it was nice & warm all afternoon. Sheila went out to Winco & the 99 cent store for some supplies and I was feeling tired so I lay down to rest for a couple of hours.  By late afternoon the wind had come up a bit so just as a precaution I wound in the awning.  It sure makes this job easy with an electric awning, just push a button & in 30 seconds, or less, it’s all in!  Tonight is Bridge at 6 PM so early supper. Sheila was late back due to a lot of shoppers out there.  We had supper & got up to the bridge room about 3 minutes after 6 PM start but they had even tables & had already started so we left.  At the RV we found that the temperature was down to 60 F about 6 PM.  Sheila was not at all disappointed on missing Bridge as she got to watch Olympic skating--women’s long program and the dance for the team event.  She saw the Canadian team win the gold in the ice skating team event.  The wind today toppled our deck chairs & blew my swimsuit off the awning.  I finally found it under the RV.  

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