Friday, March 2, 2012

Day 46 Mon Feb 27 Colder, in the low 50’s early AM, wind & sun in PM

Despite being overcast, cool, with a light wind blowing, water volleyball is being played, there were 20 people out. The wind moved the ball a lot but in the nice warm water, (high 80’s F around 31 C), it is nice, then there is the 104F (40C) hot tub. The sun did come out in the afternoon but temp didn’t get past the mid 50’s, (12-13C). Sheila went out in the morning for a manicure etc and is going to make-up demo for Mary Kay cosmetics later in the afternoon. We are getting the forecast rain showers starting about 2:30. Sheila was out all afternoon arriving back around 6:20. I had made supper previously and I then went out to the cribbage games night. Sheila stayed in to prepare her marinated carrot dish for tomorrow’s Ladies’ Luncheon. I had 3rd highest score & won my dollar plus two more. Back at the RV we watched our TV shows as it started to rain again.

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