Saturday, March 17, 2012

Day 59 Sun Mar 11 sunny, temps: @ 0900 D.S.T. 48F (9C), @ 1:00 66F (19C)

Daylight saving time so 9 AM is really only 8 AM. I wish they would change and never go back Better we get light later in the day than at unusable times like 6 & 7 AM, which is before civilized life starts! And that’s the gospel according to the book of Bren!
Today is a sunny day, nice & warm, no breeze even. It was our usual morning--water volleyball, hot tub & back for lunch in the RV. We headed out just after 2:00 PM to Wal-Mart and then to the Elks for the Sunday afternoon music, dance & dinner from 3 to 7. Our favourite, Larry Stevens is playing today. Joan, Endre and Larry & Judy came too. We had the $7 steak dinner for supper. After we left there we headed over to Winco for some groceries then home to the RV about 8:30 PM.

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