Saturday, March 17, 2012

Day 60 Mon Mar 12 cloudy, temps: 930AM 48F (9C), 1PM 68F (20C), 3PM 74 (23C)

Despite being a bit cooler volleyball prevails in two pools again, about 30 people in total. Today is haircut day for me and Sheila has to make up her carrot dish for the St Patrick’s Day Fun Club event starting at 5 PM. I went out for a haircut, then, back at GVP I went to the ballroom kitchen to get some broth from the Corned Beef to cook our carrots in. The Corned Beef was started at 7AM and has been simmering all day. Judy is bringing potatoes and Sally has a great cabbage dish she makes. The Fun Club supplies the Corned Beef, buns, wine, beer, & dessert for $7.00 ea. We usually organize a table of at least 6 to cover the potatoes, carrots, cabbage dishes. We can fit 8 easily and even 10 to a table but this way we have the basics covered. We all usually bring an appetizer dish as well for the ½ hour Happy Hour prior to dinner. Well, I arrived right at 5 to discover that the hall was almost full; fortunately Larry & Judy had got there early enough to get us a table. It was a great evening. After supper & dessert – a choice of carrot cake, red velvet cake, cheese cake with strawberry topping, chocolate cake & apple pie – the entertainment started. They had 2 people playing guitars, (one was Idaho Dave), a couple of skits were put on, intermixed by a sing-along of Irish songs led by Dave & Murray. Georgia concluded the program by singing “Danny Boy”. She has a marvellous voice & sings Danny Boy as it should be sung—with almost no accompaniment, just a couple cords by Dave on the guitar. When the song ended, most of the audience gave her a standing ‘O”. Georgia also announced that she and Dick were “retiring” from running the monthly Fun Club events. She also announced that someone had volunteered to do the St Patricks Day event for next year and would they please stand, so Larry, Judy, Sheila & I stood up. It seems we have volunteered to run the event next year. The party finished a bit before 8, but Sheila & Larry stayed to help with clean-up. I returned to the RV for the eve --complete with two leftover desserts, a red velvet cake & a cheese cake. Sheila arrived a bit later with some leftover corned beef & buns.

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