Saturday, March 10, 2012

Day 56 Thurs Mar 8 - temps @ 8 AM - 47F (8C); @ 10AM - 60F (16C); @ noon 72F (22C); @ 5:30PM - 68F (20C).

A great sunny day and we are off to the Breakfast Club at The Harvard St. Café. Larry & Judy picked us up at 8:15 AM, there were about 14 there. The restaurant is located in what was the Hemet Opera House in the late 1880’s. We returned about 9:45 in time for water volleyball. Sheila left the pool early & I left right at the noon end of game so we could get ready to head over to the San Jacinto movie theatre for the 1 PM show of “Act of Valour”. It was a good show and when the credits ran at the end almost all the cast had navy rank designations after their names. We had heard that it was real Navy Seals in the movie and was based on a real incident and that some of the footage was from live fire exercises. When the movie ended we went over to Emilio’s for their happy hour $2.50 Margaritas, Sheila had 2 & was quite happy. They also give us free appetisers, individual plates from a choice of at least 3 different dishes. My Root Beer was $2.25 but was refillable. We left to come back to GVP for the Mexican Trains games tonight. Well, once again I won one of the three rounds & got my quarter back so I am even so far. Sheila won 2 rounds, so she’s a quarter ahead. Back at the RV we watched the recording of Big Bang Theory.

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