Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Day 69 Tues Mar 20 @ Indio CA Temp 9AM 52F (11C), 10AM 58F (14 C) @ Tonopah AZ, Temps @ 4 & 5 PM 76F (24C)

I will try to always try to put the thermometer outside on the shady side of the RV so I can get accurate temps wherever we are. We went over to the casino for their $2.29 breakfast special, choice of 3 items, Sheila had French toast (2 slices) I had the Mexican breakfast, eggs scrambled with Chiorzio sausage, tortillas, beans, lettuce, tomato & salsa, it was quite good. We left Spotlight 29 casino 149629 @ 11:10; were into AZ and stopped in Quartzite for gas @ 1:20 @ 149814, out @ 1:50. We arrived at Saddle Mountain RV Park in Tonopah AZ at 3:15 @ 149937. Sheila went to the free WiFi hotspot in the Activity centre to see if she can get abc.com to watch Dancing with the Stars. She said she was really glad she could watch it, even with the odd “buffering download” stop. With the short commercials she watched the whole show in well under 2 hours. Back at the RV we watched a recorded show on the VCR. I can’t seem to pull in TV on my aerial; it may be because we have it routed through the VCR, who knows.

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