Friday, March 2, 2012

Day 47 Tues Feb 28 some cloud, sunny, noon temp outside 56F, (14C)

I really don’t understand the temperature & how it feels down here. At today’s 56 F, it is pleasant walking around in shorts & a SS shirt. At home I’d be cold at that temp. It must be the humidity thing. Sheila came back from her Ladies luncheon and then we tried to Skype to Adeline. It worked for a short time then we lost the internet connection. Sheila phoned her on our US cell. I think that the WiFi signal must fluctuate or something so it drops calls. We then went over to Larry & Judy’s to show them the videos that Larry took using our camera to film volleyball. After viewing them we played some bridge until it was time for them to go to their Tues. evening Pinochle game – it’s a card game & is pronounced “peenuckle”. Back at the RV I am trying to send the videos to Larry by email without much luck. We got an e-mail from Les & Dorothy Bullis, (Dogwood RV Roamers club). They will be here this Thurs until next Mon. We got a skype incoming from Michael but then it failed. He then connected with us using his phone & it worked well. After that call Adeline tried from her I Pad and that worked well too. The phone picture is smaller but clear; the sound is clear and I can go to full screen & get a larger picture. So that is what we will do from now on.

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