Monday, March 19, 2012

Day 65 Sat Mar 17 grey overcast, wet, 10AM 54F (12C)

It did shower in the night but has stopped by early morning; however the wind is really picking up as the morning moves on, plus sporadic drizzle is turning to heavy rain. Today will be the second day I will miss the morning water volleyball game since we got here Feb 2. The wind got quite strong in the afternoon. In the afternoon we went with Larry & Judy to Western Science Centre and the Diamond Lake Visitor Centre. There were displays of the prehistoric remains they had found while excavating for the reservoir. And games where you controlled a digital T-Rex on a screen and made it attack, eat, drink, run around etc., fun! In the visitor centre there was a display of all the aqueducts & canals built to move water around California. It was very impressive, hundreds & hundreds of miles of man-made structures moving water north to south from as far away as Mt Shasta; west from the Sierra Nevada’s on the eastern border west to the coast; and west from the headwaters of the Colorado river in AZ--very extensive network that was started in 1910. After that, we went to a Mexican Restaurant recommended by Larry Stevens call El Patron where we treated Larry & Judy in thanks for all the driving around in Larry’s car and “hosting” the bridge games in their RV. After we returned to GVP we went to their RV to play Pegs & Jokers for the evening. We played 3 games girls--against boys and the girls won all 3. Then we played hearts and Sheila won that game.

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