Friday, March 2, 2012

Day 49 Thurs Mar 1 – clear, sunny but cool 48-59 F, 8-15C. - At GVP

Larry & Judy picked us up about 8:15 AM for the breakfast club at the Hemet Diner @ Florida & San Jacinto. After returning to GVP we headed to Water Volleyball. They had already split pools when we got there about 10:30. We had a good game, sat in the hot tub then headed back to the RV to get ready to go to the Soboba Casino where they have a senior afternoon Swing Dance session with Dan Damon whom we know from a cpl years ago when he played on the patio at GVP. Les & Dorothy Bullis are arriving today but no word as yet. Off to the casino and for an hour & a half of dance time. There were only about 7 couples there, the floor was a good size, so there was lots of room to dance and Dan played a good selection of various types of dance music at a volume Sheila enjoyed, (no need for ear plugs), so she really enjoyed herself. I had no cell reception there, so when we returned to GVP we found their trailer set up in a site just a few spots down from us. Turns out they had phoned while we were at the casino & left a voicemail message, but with no cell reception, the phone didn’t show a missed call. We phoned them & they were out in town, so we arranged to meet about 6:00 & go out for Les’ Birthday dinner – free for him at Dennys. We had a nice dinner and then coffee, cake, & conversation in their trailer. We left to come home about 10:00. It was a nice evening visiting.

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