Saturday, March 10, 2012

Day 57 Fri Mar 9 sunny temps - @ 8:30 66F (19C), @ 1:00 84F (29C) - At GVP

We had our usual 2 hours of water volleyball followed by a ½ hour hot tub then back to the RV for lunch. A lazy afternoon in the sun, Sheila washed RV floors and went out for milk etc. With me having cereal for breakfast and us only getting the ½ gallon size milk we use it fairly quickly. This evening we are going out for supper with Larry & Judy to the “Steer & Stein” restaurant about a block & a half away. That’s the place that has the “Super Stock” dinner, a 16 oz sirloin steak, (454 grams), for $15.99, (that’s up a dollar from last year). The meal includes a choice of 3 types of potato or veggies and a salad or choice of 2 kinds of soup. Sheila had the steak, (7 oz), & coconut shrimp, (7 or 8), for $14.99. The 1 pound steak is a great deal! After supper we went over to Larry & Judy’s RV to play Bridge and have dessert—strawberries & ice cream.

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