Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Day 51 Sat Mar 3 blue sky & sun, temp @ 1:00, 80F; 2:00, 82F, (28C)

As usual water volleyball 10:00 to noon. Then, back to the RV to set up for Sheila to Skype to Adeline & see Mikaela & Erica on her birthday, (today). It was just a short session as both Sheila & Adeline had things to do. Mikaela with a very serious expression did the job she was trying to do & wished Sheila “Happy Birthday Nana” & Erica just smiled & tried to touch Sheila on the screen. I went out to get a cake for Sheila that we will take to the Elks tonight when we go for their Annual Pig-Out Rib Night Dinner/Dance this evening. When I got back from shopping Sheila said she had done a silly thing; she finished the Skype session with Adeline, (Michael was at work), and she shut the computer off so she missed Michael’s call from work. Sheila then went across the street to get a haircut at the shop called, “Affordable Cuts.” A shampoo with conditioner and a cut are only $10. Sheila & I left home about 4:30 to get to the Elks so we could ensure a table for 6. They had all 8 person tables set up so we took one in the back corner. They weren’t short of seating so we did not have to share our table. Judy & Larry arrived at the same time as us, and Joan & Endre, came shortly after carrying two “Happy Birthday” balloons and a BD card which everyone had signed. We had our Rib dinner, then after dinner they were selling off the extra complete dinners in a take-out box for $5.00 each so now we have a rib dinner in the fridge. When they served their dessert—an ice cream cup, I brought out the cake, lit the “Congratulations” candles and we all sang “Happy BD” to Sheila. She said it was one of the nicest birthdays she’s had since she started coming down south & missing ‘at home’ celebrations.
Tom Carlin, a C/W, (country western) singer was the night’s entertainer. He was not bad, but didn’t inspire us to dance like Larry Stevens & some of the other entertainers in the Hemet area do. Larry & Judy left about 8:30 & Endre & Joan about 9:30, after the singer had stopped for the night. Sheila had to finish her drink and we left around 9:45. We stopped at Stater Bros for some grocery items and then went home for the rest of the evening.

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