Saturday, March 10, 2012

Day 58 Sat Mar 10 sunny, temps: @ 10:00AM 70F (21C), @ 2:00PM 78F (25C)

Off at 10 AM for another sunny day of volleyball. Today we had lunch at the cabana. This week’s restaurant, an Asian Fusion place, had a Chow Mein that was good & pork on a stick with rice & cucumber salad. Tom & Carol Racobs were the entertainment today that plays from 11 AM to 2 PM. After 2 PM we returned to the RV to rest & recuperate for a bit, (2 ½ hrs.) There is a sing-along scheduled for this evening at GVP, so we will wander over to check it out. It was fun. They had a song sheet with the words for 74 songs ranging from wartime songs to 50 & 60’s folk & rock n’ roll songs. The singing was led by a fellow with a guitar & a computer screen for the words. He was accompanied by another guitar player & two ladies playing keyboard. It started at 7 PM & went to 9 PM. There were approx. 40-50 people there. After the sing-a-along, we stopped in at Joan & Endre’s to see if they were coming to the Elks tomorrow or the St. Pat’s dinner here on Mon. Probably not either one as Joan has bronchitis. We were back at the RV by 9:45 so I could do the journal, & Sheila can finish her letter to Vicki.

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